About Redwood

Mission Statement

Creating a legacy of educational philanthropy in Southern Oregon

Who We Are

The Redwood Foundation for Education provides scholarships and grants to students in schools throughout Southern Oregon. Awards are based on demonstrated leadership and co-curricular activities, academics and need, and are funded by donations from individuals, businesses, service clubs and class alumni.

Founded in 1964 as the Josephine County Educational Fund, Inc. (JCEF), in 2022, after more than five decades of growth, the organization changed its name to recognize its expanded service area and scope. Today, the Redwood Foundation for Education manages 300 individual funds and more than $12 million in assets. In 2024, we awarded $1,306,861 in scholarships, $178,071 in grants and invested $21,806 in projects throughout Josephine County and Southern Oregon.

The Redwood Foundation for Education is led by a dedicated Board of Directors. They support the mission and work of the foundation in countless ways through their gifts of time, talent, professional expertise and philanthropy.

Commitment to Equity

For over 55 years, the Redwood Foundation for Education has worked to support students, schools, and our community with the vision that all youth have the opportunity to thrive. Our community is far more diverse and complex than when we began, and we are committed to being adaptive and responsive to the evolving needs that arise.

We believe that by taking a student-centered approach, and focusing on authentic engagement and partnership, we can address the persistent disparities that prevent the full potential of students to be realized. As an organization, we are committed to approaching our work through an equity lens to ensure that we design policies, practices, and programs that identify and eliminate potential barriers. This is a journey that we are on, and will continue to listen, learn, and implement best practices to ensure the students and communities we serve realize their full potential.

Redwood Foundation graphic element: supported counties
Redwood Foundation graphic element: money invested
Redwood Foundation graphic element: individual scholarships

JCEF is now Redwood Foundation for Education