University: Pacific University
Major: Political Science/Pre-law
Scholarships received from JCEF: I received the following JCEF scholarships: Rogue River Watershed Council, Grants Pass Active Club, Esther Fox, Highland Elementary, and North Middle School.
Why Pacific University: I chose Pacific because of its accepting campus and helpful and caring teaching staff. Everyone at Pacific really works to individually help each student, and that really excited me.
Why drawn to this major/minor: I am drawn to politics because of the current political controversies and how much I enjoyed my AP Government class. AP English also had a great effect on my love of writing, discussing, and reading, so I would like to have a minor in English.
High school activities, clubs or sports: Over the course of high school I have been involved in many clubs including the Environmental Action Club and National Honor Society where I served as president. I have been a two sport varsity athlete in tennis and swimming where I was captain for both teams. I was also the viola section leader for the GP’s chamber orchestra.
What I learned through club, sports and music participation: These leadership roles have helped me to grow as an individual in confidence, communication with others, and time management.
Planned college activities: I will continue swimming and playing tennis in college, and will also be enrolled in music classes and continue private lessons and group performances.