Megan Sheely

Hidden Valley High School
Class of 2017

University: Rogue Community College
Major: Wildlife Biology
Scholarships I received: OHA, Women in Science, College Dreams, Early Day Gas Engineand Tractor Association, Jerome Prairie Elementary.

Why RCC: It’s close to home and my family and cheaper to get my prerequisites done.

Experiences or persons influencing major/career choice: I contacted people to job shadow and expect that experience will be very enlightening.

Classes taken that set me on the path to pursue this career: Anatomy and physiology

High School activities, clubs, or sports: Softball, Basketball, Archery, and Cross Country.

What I learned through participation: I learned that giving up was not an option and to work my butt off and I will get where I want to be.

Planned college activities, clubs, or sports: I wanted to play softball but then I realized that my education would take precedence.

Testimonial: I want to say thank you! I appreciate all the money to help me get through college and to be able to go to college and succeed.

Megan Sheely

Thank you so much! I appreciate all the money to help me get through college and to be able to go to college and succeed.

JCEF is now Redwood Foundation for Education